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Cold Wax 150ml Ayur

Little India > Cosmetics > Body
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Producer: Ayur Herbals
Producer code: 8906032325819
Price gros: 12.00 zł
Price net: 9.76 zł

Cold Wax 150ml Ayur

Cold Wax Ayur


Unique formulation of lemon, vinegar and sugar that slows down re-growth of hair and revitalizes the skin by keeping the skin soft, smooth and supple

Lemon extracts present in it fights skin breakouts, dark spots and tans. Also, the essentials of Vitamin C exfoliate and unclog the pores. This wax can be used anywhere on the body, without any adverse side effects.



A totally safe preparation to remove superfluous hair from the skin.




● Unclogs skin pores.

● Removes hair right from its roots.

● Effective in removing shorter hair.

● Exfoliates and lighten the skin.

● Efficient in discarding tanned skin.



How to use: Clean the skin and wipe it dry apply the wax with a blunt knife in the direction of the hair growth. Place the waxing strip over the wax, press down firmly and pull the strip with jerk, in the opposite direction of hair growth. Finally clean the skin with water to remove wax stains and apply ayur astringent lotion.



weight: 150g