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Bitter Gourd (Karela) Pickle (without garlic) in oil 300g Priya

Little India > Preserves > Fruit preserves
main main
Producer: Priya Foods
Producer code: 785018012268
Price gros: 10.00 zł
Price net: 9.26 zł

Bitter Gourd (Karela) Pickle (without garlic) 300g Priya

Bitter Gourd (Karela) Pickle (without garlic) Priya


Bitter melon is a very popular vegetable in Asian countries, where its health-promoting properties are widely known. Especially the ability to lower blood glucose levels and antioxidant properties.

Marinades served as an addition to Asian dishes. Priya pickles are an ideal addition to vegetarian and meat dishes, salads or snacks.


Ingredients: Bitter gourd Pieces, salt, refined rice bran oil, Lime juice, Chilli Powder, Tamarind Extract, Mustard seeds, Cumin Powder, Fenugreek Powder, Dried Chillies, Acetic Acid (E260), Turmeric Powder, Citric acid (E330), Curry leaves and Asafoetida.

*Contains Mustard




weight: 300g