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Serving Bucket Made Of Copper And Stainless Steel 300ml

Little India > Kitchen ware > Bowl
main main
Producer: Fern International
Producer code: 5905108469788
Price gros: 45.00 zł
Price net: 36.59 zł

Fern International company is located in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. Moradabad is a well-known center for the production of copper and metal items, including copper jugs and other copper-related products.

The 300 ml serving bucket, crafted from a combination of copper and stainless steel, is a unique addition to any elegant dinner or social gathering. The outer copper layer gives the bucket a classic elegance and adds warmth to any table setting, while the inner stainless steel layer ensures safe use and ease of cleaning. Perfect for serving cold beverages or as a stylish way to present snacks, this bucket combines functionality with a distinctive design. Its small capacity makes it exceptionally practical and easy to integrate into various table settings, maintaining both aesthetic and practical values.

Country of origin: Indie
Manufacturer: Fern International
Średnica: 15
Pojemność (l): 0,30
Packaging condition: original
Trade name: Serving Bucket Made Of Copper And Stainless Steel
Product does not contain: not applicable
Additional features: lack
Weight (g): 340