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Black Pepper Whole TRS 400g

Little India > For Restaurants > Lista produktów restauracji
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Producer: TRS
Producer code: 5017689038441
Price gros: 35.00 zł
Price net: 32.41 zł

Founded in 1959 by Mr Suterwalla, TRS has become a global leader in ethnic spices. Renowned for strict quality standards and thorough cleaning, TRS is recognized for providing some of the finest products in the market.

TRS Black Peppercorns are an excellent choice for spice lovers and those who appreciate a cuisine full of flavors. Known for its high-quality products, TRS ensures that this black pepper will meet your expectations. The whole peppercorns are perfect for adding to marinades, sauces, soups, and stews during cooking, imparting depth and a distinctively spicy flavor. The peppercorns can also be ground fresh in a pepper mill right before serving to maximize the release of their aromatic properties. Black pepper pairs well with many dishes in both Polish and international cuisine. If you are looking for black pepper that adds real character to your dishes, TRS Black Peppercorns are an excellent choice.